After the recent tragic deaths in Baton Rouge, St. Paul and Dallas, I read this tweet from S.I. Rosenbaum that perfectly expresses a position that would seem obvious to any thinking person:
I don’t think it is a particularly political stance to oppose the assassination of police officers AND the extrajudicial killing of citizens.
John Fuselsang tweeted the same sentiment this way:
I’m on the side of everyone who’s against both police brutality & brutality against police. It’s not a complicated position.
And the impromptu coming together of Black Lives Matter protesters and All Lives Matter protesters in the video linked below gives me hope that Rosenbaum’s and Fuselsang’s we’re-all-in-this-together understanding is growing. It’s unlikely this meeting of opposing groups will prove a one-step cure-all, but it is a good start and example to us all.
Take a look at the 80-second video: